Santa Monica Rugby Club  
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Michael Fenerin

Place of birth:
Palo Alto, California

Position played:
Wing, Flanker

Summary of rugby career:

First Started Playing Where:
UCLA (1964 - 1969)

Clubs represented and Years:
UCLA (1964 - 1969)
Boston RC (1970)
Santa Monica Rugby Club (1972-1974)

Territorial/National Representative Teams and years:

No of Caps (if applicable):

No of International Matches (if applicable):

Tours: Where, With Whom and Years:
England/Wales - Santa Monica Rugby Club (1973)

Awards and Recognition:

Impact rugby had on your life:
Rugby has had a fabulous impact on my life. Except for getting married
and having an amazing wife and family, it's the best thing I've ever done. The sport is unparalleled in my opinion for its character, athleticism, camaraderie, openness, and sheer enjoyment of life. Indeed, rugby is more of a uniquely brilliant culture than a sport. The individuals that play rugby have an extraordinary sense of teamwork, loyalty, and respect for each other, no matter where they are from or how they look, although this respect is often expressed in weird and wonderful ways. As I write this, I have a huge grin on my face thinking about all of the good times, jokes, songs, ribbing, drinking and celebrating that I was lucky enough to participate in with SMRC and all of the other rugby teams and players I encountered. Even after 40+ years away from my playing days, I still have, and will always have, these vivid memories and friendships.

So what specifically was rugby's impact on my life? Socially, so
fulfilling being around so many amazing individuals (and clowns);
career-wise, being able to better understand and instill the value of teamwork in my associates; and lastly, family-wise, and this one is
perhaps the most fun: telling my wife and children rugby stories. In a nutshell, rugby has vastly enriched my life. I truly can't believe I was so lucky to have encountered this sport and culture. God, it's been great!

Most inspirational teammate/coach and why:
This one was a struggle to answer until I switched gears and stopped looking for a single individual, because how could I choose among so
many amazing players and coaches and team supporters? Once I
defaulted to the team, the answer became obvious: virtually everyone
was an inspiration to me. The team was my inspiration. Everyone had a role; everyone did their utmost to win; everyone did everything they
could to improve their play; everyone supported their teammates;
everyone celebrated together; everyone created life-long memories together. Inspiring? Yes. Unbelievably inspiring.

What wisdom would you pass on to current players:
Keep everything in perspective, enjoy the moment and make the most of it. Support your teammates, and most importantly, create no regrets. You're building life-long memories and friendships. Enjoy them both to the fullest because they will make your life so much richer.

Marital Status (Spouse/Kids names):
Married to Janet, my soulmate and wife of 36 years; Dana, oldest daughter, a flight attendant for American, just got married; Chelsea, youngest daughter, building her HR business career; Shawn, graduating this year from Stanford with a major in computer science (talk about a lucky kid!)

Favorite quote:
Take Charge and do the right thing!

Reading, writing (just published my first, and only, book); mountain biking, watching movies in the theater, traveling around the US and the world. Volunteer at the Knights of Columbus (catholic men's charity organization), and the Friends of the Library (a fundraising organization for the library).

Internet links to anything of interest on the web about the player: